Zao Wou-ki and Christian Lu

In February 2024, Christian Lu especially traveled to Hangzhou for the exhibition “The Dao of Wuki, Zao Wou-ki’s centennial Retrospective exhibition” at the China Academy of Art. This is the largest monographic exhibition held in China ten years after his passing, a grand event impressive enough to soothe his spirit in the heavens. The spirit of Zao Wou-ki has now returned to the land of China.

In 2022, the National Art Museum of China, in Beijing, held the exhibition “Dreams of Clouds” and acquired the work “A Century of Wou-ki” (painted in Paris in 2021 to celebrate Zao Wou-ki centennial).

In 2024, the Shanghai Chinese Art Museum, hosted as well the exhibition “Dreams of Clouds” and acquired the work “Tribute to Zao Wou-ki” (painted in Paris in 2015, presented in 2016 at the National Museum of China within the exhibition entitled “East meets West”).



Visit of Abbot Juexing (Jade Buddha Temple)

In December 2024, Christian Lu (陆永安) welcomed abbot Juexing (觉醒) at his Shanghai workshop.

The Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai holds from now the artpiece Montagnes Jaunes : Impressions.

Christian Lu would states that “through art, one does simply  transcribes the link between humans and nature.”

Promoting International Shanghai import Expo

“The Resonance of the Olympic Spirit and Visual Arts”

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The Paris Olympics leave behind a precious legacy, a new milestone in the history of human civilization, symbolizing mutually beneficial exchange and cooperation.

During the Olympic Games, the “Beijing-Paris” event took place under the Eiffel Tower, and today, during the Shanghai International Import Expo, the “Paris-Shanghai” program has been recorded on the Huangpu River. This fills me with deep emotions.

As a visual artist with 30 years of experience in China and 40 years in France, through my learning, life, and creative work, I have had the privilege of observing both Eastern and Western civilizations through the lens of art history. I have been able to grasp the greatness of Chinese civilization, particularly the “spirit of image” from the scholars of the Song dynasty, which once illuminated the world. This “spirit of image” is also at the core of the exploration of abstraction in contemporary Western art. From Fan Kuan to Cézanne, from Zhu Da (Badashanren) to Van Gogh’s works, we can clearly observe the common quest for visual art and the shared aesthetic values across cultures.

In this era of China’s cultural renaissance and the building of a shared destiny for humanity, it is essential for an artist to embrace the world and create works that carry noble spiritual meanings and universal values, capable of resonating with different civilizations, cultures, and contexts.

Regarding art, I firmly believe that the form of expression is not the most important thing. What matters is the sincerity with which one expresses their emotions, the way one conveys aesthetic ideas, and the ability to transmit a worldview and the spirit of our time that inspires positive energy.

I wish the seventh edition of the Shanghai International Import Expo great success, with fruitful results. We have witnessed the importance of this event in further promoting China’s high-level economic opening and stimulating global economic growth. The Expo is also a platform for cultural exchange and the sharing of ideas, demonstrating China’s sincerity and openness to cooperation and a shared future with the world.

At this moment, I am reminded of the revolutionary pioneers such as Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Chen Yi, as well as the artists Liu Haisu, Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, Yan Wenliang, and Zhao Wuji, who all once journeyed from Shanghai to France. It is here, on the banks of the Huangpu River, that generations of Chinese sought ideals, brought back what they had learned, and offered it to their motherland. I am deeply grateful to our ancestors and to this beloved land, Shanghai, my hometown!

I will continue to strive to share through my works the decades of artistic exploration and practice, proving that an artwork can be created around the spirit and emotions of Chinese culture, thus making a modest contribution to the arts.

Dreams of Clouds at the Art Museum of China – Shanghai

January 2024 : Exhibition of Christian Lu entitled “Rêves de Nuages” (Dreams of Clouds) at the Art Museum of China in Shanghai.

In 2024, the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France is to be celebrated.

Among the paintings that are showcased, many of them are tributes to the Chinese masters who guided him along the way before he left China for France.

The entire universe of Christian Lu is made of dreams and imaginary landscapes.

Press conference – 2023

As the auction of the artpiece Espérance (oil on canvas, 172 x 97 cm) from Christian Lu is about to get introduced by Poly Auction, Christian Lu has been honored to be invited as a special guest by Meta Museum of China Media Group. He has shared his experience, his apprenticeships with well-known Chinese calligraphy masters and how, as a Chinese born artist who delved into European culture, he has been searching for a pictural language that could resonate within us all.

Opening ceremony of “Dreams of Clouds” exhibition

The artist painter Christian Lu (陆永安)  held an exhibition of about thirty recent art works  at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing early November (中国美术馆 – NAMOC).

Mr.Wu Weishan, President of the Museum, Mr. Peng Jianming, President of China Media Group, Mrs. Zhang Xiaoman, general director of the Digital Museum of Art and Culture and Mr. Dong Qiang, director of the Yenching Academy of Peking University, attended the opening ceremony of this solo exhibition “Dreams of Clouds”.

Christian Lu with Wu Wei Shan 陆永安与吴为山馆长

Christian Lu with Wu Wei Shan 陆永安与吴为山馆长
Christian Lu with Wu Wei Shan 陆永安与吴为山馆长
Christian Lu with Wu Wei Shan 陆永安与吴为山馆长
Wu Wei Shan,Christian Lu  and Dong Qian, director of the Yenching Academy of Peking University( 吴为山馆长和燕京学院院长董强)

Mr. Peng JianMing President of China Media Group (中央广播电视总台彭建明)
Mr. Peng Jianming with Mrs Zhang Xiaoman, general director of the Digital Museum of Art and Culture (中央广播电视总台 导彭建明,“央博”数字文化艺术博物馆领导张筱曼)
Mrs. Zhang Xiaoman, general director of the Digital Museum of Art and Culture (“央博”数字文化艺术博物馆领导张筱曼)

Dreams of Clouds : Christian Lu’s exhibition at the National Art Museum

On the 30th October, in Beijing , the National Art Museum of China unveiled the exhibition dedicated to Christian Lu. “Dreams of Clouds”, this exhibition brings to light the artist’s colorful and dream world. More than 30 paintings can be admired for a couple of days (until 9th November) by the public.



The 100 years of Zao Wou-ki will enter the collection of the National Art Museum.



Chinese Art Festival in Vézelay !


Christian Lu has been honored to join in the 2022 Chinese Art Festival  held by Mr Jean-Pierre Escarfail. This year event took place at Vezelay (with its famous Basilique). The opening ceremony was on the 17th September and it showcased two very important French Chinese-born artists : Chu Teh-Chun and Christian Lu.

On the 17th, screening of the film-documentary on “Chu Teh-Chun” directed by Christophe Fonseca with the support of Chu Teh-Chun Fundation (Mr. Yvon Chu and Mrs. Anne-Valérie Sceau) followed by the exhibition of 9 oil paintings by Christian Lu.

For about 3 weeks the artworks can be seen at Vezelay (until the 6th October)

Among the honored guests, Mr Escarfail welcomed Mr. CHEN Li, Minister at the China Embassy in France.

( R.) Mr. Jean-Paul de Parcevaux, Mr. Christian Lu, Mr. Jean-Pierre Escarfail and Mr. Chen Li
Mr. Yvon Chu et Mrs Anne-Valérie Sceau discussing with Christian Lu
Christian Lu with Yvon Chu


China Media Group digital art and culture Museum official launch

China Media Group is launching its digital art and culture museum. Their online release will be effective in September-October this year. This new museum is about linking all the national museums, national galleries and art schools together and providing digital experience to the public.

Christian Lu is honored to be part of this new project as a cultural collaborator and also as a represented artist painter. Christian Lu is about to return to China by the end of September and start a travelling exhibition: Beijing, Shanghai, province of Anhui, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. More than twenty artworks will be exhibited and main museums will provide 100% digital experience to the public link to this event.

Update 2023 : “The CMG Digital Art Museum is a major initiative of China Media Group (CMG) to accompany the national strategy into building strength through cultural, social and spiritual development, culture digitization and vitalization of cultural relics. This initiative comes with using cutting-edge technology in order to spread Chinese traditional culture. Through its digital media platform that brings together various national cultural resources, one provides accessible, interactive and sustainable spiritual and cultural services for the audience and users.

(in Chinese) : Main article on  CCTV

The Christian Lu Gallery opens its doors !

We are very pleased to announce the opening of the gallery dedicated to the artworks of Christian Lu’s painting.

During the opening, we had the honor to welcome :  Mr and Mrs Raffarin, Mr Fabius – President of the Consitutional Council – and Mrs Fabius, Mr Lecoq – Mayor of the 6th arrondissement, Mr Lu Shaye – Ambassador of China in France, Mr  Badré – CEO of Blue Like an Orange Sustainable Capital (investment fund), Mr et Mrs Pompidou, Mr Hutin – Director of Fondation Claude Pompidou – et Mrs Hutin as well as Mr Layani – President of Rungis.

We were delighted to welcome our dear friends : Mr Dulieu – Archivist of the Salon d’Automne, Mr Callegari, Mr Ros – CEO of Paco Chicano, Mr Ghenassia as well as Mrs Charpentier.